‘one mind is not at war with another’
Science and Health with Key to Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Pg 476:6 We meet on the patio south of the post office. Noon on Wednesdays and 11 AM Sundays. Bring your hymnal.
Science and Health with Key to Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Pg 476:6 We meet on the patio south of the post office. Noon on Wednesdays and 11 AM Sundays. Bring your hymnal.
… the Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him he will be found of you… II Chronicles Join us on the patio of Civic Space Park for Church at 11 AM on Sundays and Wednesdays meetings at Noon.
Starting in January 2024 our church service and Wednesday meeting will be held at 522 N Central Ave. The patio on the Southside of the Building is where we are. Church members want to express a heartfelt appreciation to Abrams Realty and the owner, Robert N. Brier, for the progressive location at 830 N Central Ave. The church and Reading Room have seen this area […]
The gathering for the 125th tribute to First Church was a beautiful cross section of Christian Science in Phoenix. We discussed the history of the church, previous Sunday School experiences, and some notable church members, like Douglas Churchill. The event was a joyful exchange of ideas and gave space for reflection on the most interesting stories. For instance, around the beginning of the 20th century, […]
Gratitude is prayer, plan to join us for a unique healing service.